How to Grow Your Blog in Record Time

You are desperate to accelerate your blog’s growth, but every article you read about growing your blog is not looking satisfactory and seems to cover only basics. Then, you need some specific ways and tactics that can deliver the best results. In this article, we will cover some unconventional and actionable tactics that you can implement to accelerate your blog’s growth. Implementing only a few of these will steps will result in more email subscribers, more followers, revenue, and traffic.

Grow Your blog in Record Time with These Unconventional Tactics

Improve Deliverability of Your Email

It is not difficult to get so many people on your email list. But, how you can ensure that all these people are receiving your emails and opening them. You can ensure it by using Mailfloss, which is an email verification tool. The tool improves the deliverability of emails by making corrections in the email format, the existing domain, and ping the mail making sure it’s live. If the email address is not active, then it will send a “hard bounce” notification. You can use email verification tools to improve deliverability. For example, you can use Clearout that comes integrated with widely popular email providers like ConvertKit, allowing the users to cleanse their list without re-importing/exporting their subscribers.

Use Co-branded Giveaways

Using co-branded giveaways can be the best and quickest way to spread the word about any blog. It results in growing your traffic, email list, and social following depending on how you set up your giveaway. But the question is, why does it work so much? Whatever is given as free stuff works as a strong incentive, especially when you give something that your audience wants desperately.

Any giveaway that you have planned will require your participants to complete an action. These may include sharing the giveaway on Twitter and follow you on Twitter. It may also consist of sharing the giveaway on Facebook and like your Facebook page, and joining your email newsletter. You can run your giveaway using a plugin or a tool. Using social media contest platforms such as Gleam is so suggestible. Alternatively, you can use RafflesPress, which is a WordPress giveaway plugin.

Create Targeted Landing Pages

Create landing pages for your every lead magnet. Landing pages can convert more than 30 percent of leads easily. If you want to get more out of your landing pages, then, first of all, build landing pages that are focused on conversions. The conversion-focused landing page is an individual page that has no traditional elements like a navigation menu or sidebar. The second thing that you can do is planning promotional campaigns for each landing page. There are plenty of ways to do it.
You can share your landing pages to social media accounts.
Add them to the YouTube videos in descriptions, end cards, etc.
You can promote landing pages within your content.
Add calls to action in your sidebar for your landing pages.
You can use some paid channels also like Taboola ads, Twitter ads, Facebook ads, etc.

Deploy Category Targeted Opt-in Forms

Deploying category-targeted opt-in forms can enhance your email signs up to 300 percent. It works very much similar to content upgrade. People will subscribe more likely to download your resource if they will find it related to the topic they are reading at the time.

Use Proven Copywriting Formulas

Great copywriters always have many formulas that you can use for email subject lines, introductions, headlines, sales pages, conclusions, email automation sequences, and entire blog posts. Many of you may have heard of copywriting formulas like PAS, i.e., Problem, Agitate, Solve, or AIDA, i.e., Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. These formulas, when employed correctly, can speed up and enhance your writing significantly.

Drive Social Media Traffic With Fun Quizzes

Quizzes are the more exciting and engaging way that can help you to drive social media traffic. You can get great results even with a small audience with quizzes. There are several quiz plugins and plenty of SAAS apps that you can use for creating fun quizzes.

Use Quora To Get Keyword Ideas

You can visit Quora to get an insight into the long-tail keywords. Using keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and KWFinder are excellent sources for keyword research.

Use Social Media Monitoring Tools

Using social media monitoring tools will help you know about users’ interests and how effective your content. Also, these tools will get you to understand how your content is performing on various social networks. You can further make changes in your content to make it more impressive and effective.

Create New Content to Reach New Audience

You can create new content and present it to your audience in various ways to impress them. For example, you can present your content to your audience as a video, slide share, etc. It will help you get more leads and increase the conversion rate.

Use Infographics

If you add infographics to your existing content, it will help your content rank well in the search engine result pages. Further, it will attract more and more audience and leads for you.

You can pick out any of these tactics and implement them. It will bring you better results with time. Some may require some more time to deliver good results. You may need to be persistent to see the best results.


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